Hic-ups on the radio

So yesterday was a hoot! As I was driving to my friend Sarahs’ house to do an interview for one of her Masters in Journalism projects (Pause, deep inhale, and continue) I was listening to the radio station Spin South West as I always do driving and they started talking about having the hic-ups! I … More Hic-ups on the radio

Oh a noise? Let me over react and go into ninja detective mode

So, how about a funny story that just happened. I was sitting in my room, happy out doing some organizing and watching some Sherlock, as you do, when I slowly registered footsteps coming from my housemates room next door to mine. I’d think nothing of it if he was actually home at the time but … More Oh a noise? Let me over react and go into ninja detective mode

Lets get the party started…!

So I’ve finally decided to start doing the wordpress daily post challenge after getting probably 100 e-mail prompts…and I’m really looking forward to it! Trying to find time in between college, work and training to do this will be hard, but worth it in the end! So time to get going with it!

Wiki Project

Introduction As part of our Digital Media module all of the students from the different courses were split up and put into groups of four. When assigned our group we were assigned an area or item of interest within Limerick City which we were then to write a wiki page about as part of the … More Wiki Project